Now Open – Thrive Sweet Auburn a mixed-use development by Project Community Connections, Inc. (PCCI) in partnership with Mercy Housing Southeast (MHSE). Located at 302 Decatur St., SE in Atlanta’s historic Old Fourth Ward community. Features include:

We’ve come a long way! It’s been ten months since the Thrive Sweet Auburn grand opening and in that time there have been many small victories, a handful of lessons learned, and plenty of vision for expanding and replicating one of Atlanta’s most ambitious developments to support homeless services.

A few highlights:

    • Our partners at Mercy Housing have thoughtfully reviewed and placed nearly 200 individuals and families as residents of Thrive Sweet Auburn, including:
      • Fully Leased up
      • 29 households with children
      • 170 total residents
        • 25 veterans
      • More than 1,200 individuals have gone through orientation at First Step’s new offices. Of the participants who have been served at First Step in the first six months:
        • 584 have received a paycheck
        • Served 456 individuals who recently experienced Homelessness
        • Served 484 Veteran and previously incarcerated individuals
      • Open Hand Atlanta has held two nutrition classes to date, and have provided Nutritional Market baskets to 24 residents, with more deliveries set to continue.
      • Our residential services team has hosted several events to foster relationship building among residents.
      • PCCI conducted enrollment events at Thrive in August for their new Direct Funds Transfer (DFT) program participants, with 47 households joining the DFT program and receiving their payment cards. First payments of $600 were issued September 1, 2023, with subsequent payments of $400 to follow over the next year. Participants indicated they plan to use the funds in numerous ways:
        • The child of one of the participants just got out of the hospital with severe issues due to asthma, and this will go a long way toward paying for that treatment and medication
        • School supplies and clothing for their kids
        • New cleats for a child’s football season starting this month
        • Housing application fees
        • Ongoing bills and utilities
        • Medications
        • Transportation

Mercy Housing SE

117 Affordable Apartments


Rapid Re-housing and Supportive Services

CAPN and Open Hand Atlanta

Education and Wellness

First Step Staffing

Employment, Training, and Benefits